The Louisville Forum is a nonpartisan public issues group
Founded in 1984, the Forum hosts debates and discussions of contemporary and sometimes controversial public policy issues that affect the greater Louisville community.
The Louisville Forum programs typically occur at noon on the second Wednesday of each month, except for February when the Forum hosts its annual dinner meeting.
The Forum provides an arena for the discussion and analysis of important issues affecting the Louisville area. As an independent and nonprofit organization, the Forum itself never takes a position on issues. Instead, we bring together speakers who articulate their specific and often opposing viewpoints. Membership is open to the public at-large, and guests are welcome at all Forum programs.
Our Meetings
Each month, Forum panelists include a variety of community leaders discussing matters of public interest – public health, politics, environment, social justice, and education, to name a few.
The Forum provides
an arena for the presentation and analysis of varying perspectives on issues affecting the Louisville area.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible to join?
Forum membership is open to everyone.
Does the Louisville Forum have a particular political stance?
No. The Forum is a nonpartisan organization and never takes a position on issues.
What sort of people join the Forum?
The Forum draws its members from all sectors of the community. Most members have an interest in current events, the political process and civic involvement.
Do I need a sponsor to join?
No. You may simply contact the Forum by telephone or email - or talk with any board member or officer. The phone number is (502) 329-0111. Email is
Are meetings open to the public?
Yes. We typically meet on the second Wednesday of each month at Vincenzo’s downtown, with the exception of our annual dinner in February which is in the evening at a to-be-determined venue.
May I ask questions at the Forum meetings?
Yes. Simply fill out a question form at your table and a Louisville Forum Board member will collect questions and ask representative questions during the program. We try to get to as many questions as possible during the program, but not all questions are asked.
How long do the meetings last?
One hour. Our programs start at noon and end at 1 p.m.
For a luncheon program, what if I have special dietary needs?
Please indicate when you register for a meeting if you would like a vegetarian/gluten-free alternative meal. Vincenzo’s can also accommodate other special meal needs and allergy concerns.
Is Vincenzo’s Restaurant handicap-accessible?